11 March 2013

Homemade Honey Cough Syrup

We try to enjoy a few teaspoons of honey each day . . . to help with allergies.  The girls have also started to have a little cough, so I decided to up the goodies in that teaspoon of honey.  We had some mandarin oranges sitting out on the counter, some cinnamon (when am I ever without that???) and a new bottle of Raw Honey from a local farm.  So, I was set.

There are no set amounts . . . more of a "to taste" type mix.  We just cut up three mandarins, tossed them in the canning jar, covered them with some honey.  Added a little cinnamon and then more honey.  We placed it in the fridge and stirred it every-so-often.  It was ready the next morning . . . for in our tea and just to eat by the spoon.


Homemade Cough Syrup
Raw Honey
2-4 Mandarin Oranges

Cut the mandarin oranges into slices or chunks, to fit in the jar of your choice.  Cover with honey.  Add a little cinnamon for taste.  Store in fridge and stir after a few hours.

For coughs - We stir and then take a teaspoon every two hours.
For tea - We flavor "to taste".

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